investing in the intelligent use of water


Saving you money, time and water.

Operating and maintaining buildings is a struggle.

Water and utility rates move in one direction – higher.


Aging infrastructure, drought and the increasing costs of water and sewer services. Controlling and reducing water and utility costs in facilities, regardless of age, often results in performance and sustainability concerns.

Most businesses today face mounting problems with water management, such as:

  • Rising water and sewer bills

  • Aging utility infrastructure

  • Newer water devices that are not calibrated with existing static water pressure, resulting in waste

  • Water quality and chemical composition

  • Varying water pressures

  • Water shortages, whether by drought, rationing, or other mandates

HydraMetrics helps businesses meet challenges in a way that reduces demand side water supply and makes a positive impact on the bottom line, all while maintaining optimal performance.

We offer a unique solution – we recommission every single water device within the existing infrastructure. Our analysis will determine the ideal solution for each device, often utilizing existing devices and using new fixtures only when they are obsolete.

HydraMetrics offers a suite of solutions designed for maximum cost savings and sustainability!


Focus Areas


Commercial properties ranging from single buildings to large campuses, have realized short payback periods (even under two years) and tens of thousands of dollars saved annually.

Most Class A buildings have regular maintenance routines, infrastructure is well-kept, and most-likely already have low-flow fixtures. HydraMetrics can capture water and sewer savings for Commercial properties, by recommissioning the existing infrastructure (low-flow and high-flow). We fix performance issues to adjust for performance first and deliver the ultimate amount of water savings, without excessive money being spent on new fixtures or maintenance.


Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

HydraMetrics experience with Healthcare facilities has been extremely successful because we know that every medical room needs to be available with as little down time as possible. Changing out fixtures can cause more time, repairs to floors and walls, interruptions to operations, all requiring more time and money.

HydraMetrics’ unobtrusive solution recommissions, rather than replacing, each fixture to reduce downtime and keep operations running smoothly.

MULTIFAMILY / Affordable housing

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

While HydraMetrics has delivered successful results with a range of types of multi-family properties, we understand that those decision-makers most greatly impacted are those who are responsible for paying the water bills or have a strong mandate for conservation.

HydraMetrics has helped multi-family properties, including affordable housing, increase property value by over $2 million, save over $222 per unit annually and receive payback within 9 months.

education: K-12 & University

While K-12 summers allow for downtime to optimize fixtures, budgets are often extremely tight. Spending unnecessary money on replacing fixtures is often out of financial reach. That’s why HydraMetrics helps maximize savings without changing out fixtures unnecessarily, so that schools can invest those extra funds and savings on other things.

While funding can vary for universities, sustainability is increasingly important. University leadership increasingly has a mandate for reducing its environmental footprint. Water efficiency could be viewed as a low-hanging fruit to achieve massive reductions in water use, which is great for the university’s green leadership, reputation and costs.

City, state & federal BUILDINGS

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

Military bases are almost like their own city, which makes the savings potential huge. Tax-payer savings. Environmental impacts reductions. Reporting on steps taken to reduce footprint and increase tax-dollar savings. Don’t want to disrupt family housing. Have own convenience stores, malls, markets, work offices, dorms, airfield operations, hospitals and clinics. Every market type on a base. Saved over $1 M /year generated over 10 years.

Correction facilities

Photo by Emiliano Bar on Unsplash

Having worked with numerous Correction Facilities, we understand various elements that are unique and important for Correction Facilities. Given that the (combi) units are quite expensive and practical, it does not make sense to replace these fixtures in order to save water as it’s cost-prohibitive. To capture water savings, we recommission existing fixtures from behind the wall, allowing for operations to go uninterrupted and huge savings to be realized.

HydraMetrics also provides Programmed Water Technology (PWT) for those facilities interested in full autonomy to set flush frequencies.